COAVP: Protection For LGBT Communities

Most of us LGBT folk have been there at one point or another. We’ve just discovered that we’re not like other people, sexually speaking. We like the same gender, or we feel like we are the opposite gender or no gender at all, or sometimes we just can’t even properly explain it or classify it, but we know for a fact that words like “cis” or “straight” don’t define us. But what do we do now? Friends can’t know about this, they’ll make fun of us! The family must DEFINITELY not be told, because what are they even gonna think?! We want to explore this side of ourselves, we want to know more about it, but the world all of a sudden becomes a terrifying, overwhelming place. You hear your grandma talk about gay people as if they’re vermin, you hear your friends at school make transphobic jokes, you hear strangers on the bus whispering, and all the while all you want to do is disappear.

Unfortunately, as welcoming and friendly as the LGBT community is, sometimes, for whatever reason, people – especially those who are still coming to terms with their sexuality and discovering their new identity – don’t feel like embracing it and becoming part of it just yet. Or even when they do, sometimes there’s questions that one may not feel entirely comfortable asking. That’s why we’re here. This blog is dedicated to offering tips and advice to LGBT folk everywhere in order to ensure that they remain safe in a world that, while admittedly growing less hostile towards them every year, can still remain a frighteningly toxic place. We’ll NEVER ask you for a registration or identification, and we’ll never record your IP or any sort of personal data. We only ask one thing – that you remain safe. Hopefully the articles on this blog will help answer some questions and concerns that you never felt comfortable asking others.